Photo Credit: Ryan Smithgall, Peaked Mountain, United States
Winter Solstice Reflections
The winter solstice is a time for peace, For inner growth and unity we must seek.As the powers-that-be laugh collectively, We fools are bound by our own divisions weak.
But when we look to this sacred season's light, we see a hope that warms us in the night. A hope to come together as one, where we can leave behind our old disgrace.
It's time to set aside all of our angst, And use this moment as an opportunity's chance. Work together with cooperation bold; clear away the snow and build something new to behold!
Through shared understanding, respect, empathy, too, we can find a way to peace that binds us all anew. The winter solstice is a time for love and joy, where we honor our shared humanity with an open heart and mind.
We make this world a better place; divisions of hatred will no longer have a case. The powers that be may still laugh collectively, but now it is us fools who stand united happily!
Turn the tide and bring forth a new dawn, one of peace, love, and joy that will forever live on. The winter solstice is a time for rebirth, a moment to embrace what lies beneath the earth.
Use this special time to unify and make it right. Embrace the peace and joy of winter solstice night, and bring forth a better tomorrow for us all with all our might!
- Kelli Smithgall, Co-Founder, Involvd®
Photo Credit: Ryan Smithgall, Peaked Mountain, United States
This winter solstice, let us come together and find our peace. Use this special time to bring forth a better tomorrow for all of us, with love, compassion, and understanding. Honor our shared humanity and build something new and bold from the snow! So let's turn the tide and bring forth a new dawn - one of peace, love, and joy that will live on forevermore.
Happy Winter Solstice.